April 26, 2018

College Refines Response Protocol

Beloit refined its policy for responding to and communicating about hate acts and hate crimes this spring after a campus security officer discovered a racist threat spray-painted near a sanctioned graffiti wall in the middle of the night of April 1.

Some students raised concerns about the college’s response to the incident, which they saw as inadequate and lacking empathy.

Leaders of Black Students United and Students for an Inclusive Campus gave college leaders suggestions and feedback, and their input led to a revised version of the protocol that went into effect on April 16. Two key changes are that more detail will be disclosed about hate crimes when they are reported to the community and that student leaders from affected groups will have the chance to give input on the response.

The crime itself was still under investigation as of this writing. In the meantime, the free graffiti wall was shut down except for one day in early May when it opened for a special two-hour “Take Back the Wall” event when the college community reclaimed the space.

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