January 14, 2020

Staples Cannot Deter Beloiters

Some readers may have noticed a fundraising envelope inserted into the last issue of our magazine.

Because of a snafu at the printer, some of those envelopes were mistakenly stapled right through the spine of the publication. But the staple was no match for the Beloiters who apparently disassembled their magazines to retrieve the envelopes, which they sent in with their gifts—staple holes serving as evidence of their determination.

For their efforts, Frances Klaverkamp’16, who works in the college’s Development Office, sent them a gift box with a handwritten thank you note and what else? A staple remover.

Also In This Issue

  • Marca Bristo’74, Disability Rights Advocate.

    Marca Bristo’74, Disability Rights Advocate

  • Portrait of professor Bob Black.

    In Remembrance: Robert G. Black, Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures

  • The situation on the ground in Puna—namely deadly lava flows— shifted Melissa Schelling’s plans for a fall photography exhibit.

    Kilauea in the Year of the Dog

  • Students working together in a classroom.

    ‘Be All In’ Campaign Launches in 2020


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