Use your storytelling, creativity, and collaboration skills in a world that needs your big ideas.

  • Dancing on the fringe

    Professor of Dance Chris Johnson created a new work in collaboration with alumna Sarah Ellen Miller’15 and student Emma Logas’25 last May. Because Miller was unavailable for unavailable for the planned performance at the Elgin Fringe Festival performance, Johnson invited Kateri Zitzelsberger’26 to step in. Logas and Zitzelsberger had to learn and reconstruct the emotionally and physically demanding piece extremely quickly to be ready for this exciting opportunity. 

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    Zitzelsberger and Logas perform Riven

Careers in the arts take many forms

What is your dream career?

From performing to directing to writing to broadcasting and much more, arts opportunities span an array of fields.

Will you turn your passion for art history into advocating for arts accessibility like Claire Aichholzer’15?  

Or maybe you will become a New York Times best-selling author after double majoring in creative writing and acting like Madeline Roux’08.

Perhaps you’ll continue to perform on stage while exploring how theatre can be used as a therapeutic tool like Alice Gehrke’16.

Chart your own path

Faculty mentors, alumni, and fellow students help you expand your creative practice. Through courseworkstudent groups, work experience, and other opportunities, you learn to tell stories via your preferred medium and then take those skills into any career you pursue.


Your Mentors

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